The Richest Guy on the Blockchain,
Or How to Get Rich Using the P2E Model
George S. Clason, the bestselling author of the book The Richest Man in Babylon, is convinced: in order to make all your dreams and desires come true, you must first of all succeed in dealing with financial issues. This book has brought up more than one generation of successful people. Apparently, the developers of the P2E (play-to-earn) model have also read it. How else to explain the fact that this financial model helps blockchain users to make solid crypto capital from the scratch?
About P2E in Simple Terms
So, P2E is a business model that is used in today’s blockchain-based video games. It allows players to earn in-game tokens during the gameplay, and most importantly, the tokens are exchangeable for real cryptocurrency on cryptocurrency exchanges.
Highlight: NFT games are synonymous with blockchain games. However, not all NFT games are built on the P2E model.
Developing a game with NFT-characters, which, moreover, will bring income to the player is not a simple task and can only be done by companies with a strong team of professionals on board. In fact, the developers bring the principles of the real economy to the game. For example, in the games of GrabCoinClub a player commands the virtual NFT-Avatar — a FiHunter — in the gaming MetaMind Metaverse and can choose any concept of economic growth, just as if he/she was starting a business in real life! The only difference is that in the virtual world you do not risk going bankrupt. All you have to do is just playing around, trying different options and enjoying your financial progress in real life. Isn’t it great?!
Business Options in MetaMind
If you choose to play to earn in NFT games from GrabCoinClub, the MetaMind Metaverse is going to open its doors to you and offer you great business opportunities.
Income from Real Estate
MetaMind is a Metaverse where you can easily become a full and sole owner of NFT real estate. You can buy NFT Lands or NFT Buildings on every inhabited planet. Invest your GC tokens in NFT real estate and then use your NFT for commercial purposes: sell, rent out, do the same things you would do with real estate in non-virtual life.
Up from a Worker to a Factory Owner
If you’re just starting your way in MetaMind and haven’t earned enough GC-tokens to buy NFT real estate, a great idea to earn some game money is to employ your FiHunter as a worker at an NFT Factory. The FiHunter worker participates in mining resources and is rewarded in GC. You might like the space Factory so much that you decide to buy it out and thus get a well-established business with high profitability.
Making Money for Heroes
Although P2E is a way to make money, the gameplay is no less important. So a P2E game should both entertain players and help them reach their financial goals equally well.
In GrabCoinClub games, this point is carefully thought out and is expressed through the “Battle on the Arena” option. The player can send his FiHunter to the gladiatorial arena and fight other players for GC tokens with the help of muscles.
The NFT Avatars, which players mint at the FiHunters’ official website, have different levels of progression. Their superpowers, weapons, physical health, and temperament are different. This makes the battle of heroes truly exciting and unpredictable!
And what way of earning on the blockchain do you choose? Anyway, whichever development vector you choose in the game, with time you will see that your income level from the game is growing. And once you gain gaming experience, you’ll undoubtedly have all the chances to become the richest guy on the blockchain!