The MetaMind Metaverse and its Gaming Mechanics

4 min readJun 5, 2022


There are many metaverses nowadays. Anyway, the MetaMind Metaverse is the only one! It’s a unique gaming territory that can expand infinitely due to the blockchain technologies and the gaming mechanics the players choose.


Three Paths to Choose within the MetaMind

When the owner of an NFT-Avatar teleports an alien dragon or a tiger into one of the MetaMind NFT-games, the wild hero starts a mission. There are standard tasks to complete, but nobody imposes the choice of a gaming mechanic. Only a gamer makes a decision about what path to go. There are three of them.

FiHunters can go the path of Play-to-Earn, Own-to-Earn, or TeamUp-to-Earn. As you can see, all the gaming mechanics are about earning but in different ways. Let’s look through each one closer.


It is a mechanic designed for earning GC tokens directly during the gameplay. In this case, Avatars of FiHunters do tasks and get rewards for successfully completed ones. They are rewarded with in-game GrabClub tokens (GC). They aim to grab as many GC tokens as possible. After your FiHunter has collected some amount of in-game money, you can exchange them for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other relevant cryptocurrencies.


It allows one to be a crypto-investor by purchasing buildings NFTs and receiving revenue from players exercising Play-to-Earn.


Buildings NFTs include all non-fungible tokens that can be built on the virtual lands of the MetaMind. By the way, to build any Building NFT you should first buy a certain Land NFT, or you can purchase a ready-made Building. The number of buildings is limited only by the amount of land on a Planet. All finished Buildings NFTs will be listed in the Whitepaper of the GrabCoinClub project.

So what types of Buildings can you own? They are a Factory, a Rest Hall, and a Casino.

A Factory NFT

Your FiHunter can work at the Factory to mine the resource of the System. The mined resources can be exchanged for valuable NFTs or GC tokens at the Market.

The Factory can be upgraded from the 1st to the 4th level. The higher the level of the Factory, the more workers can work at it and more powerful technologies can be applied.

Upgrade Levels of the Factory NFT

I — default. It allows to hire up to 30 workers.
II — It allows to hire up to 50 workers.
III — It allows to hire up to 100 workers.
IV — It allows to place the NFT Harvester.

Depending on the size of land, you can place either one or more factories.

Note: while your Avatars are busy in the factory, they cannot participate in other events within the Metaverse.


A Rest Hall NFT

Rest Halls resemble SPA & Wellness buildings. They are lovely places where FiHunters can relax and replenish their energy. Rest Halls can be set up only in specialized areas.

A Casino NFT

The Casino is one of the rarest and most expensive constructions. It is not possible to build Casinos on every Planet. There is also a limitation to the number of Casinos available for establishment.

There will be an opportunity to play the GCC Collectible Card Game in the Casino. It will allow NFT Avatar’s owners to have team battles and compete against each other for high-value NFTs and GC tokens.


The mechanic requires uniting users into teams and guilds to increase each member’s income. This path will not fit individualists but those who do love team-building and collective mind will appreciate it much. So, if you like to communicate, cooperate and team up, this mechanic is for you!

Oh, yeah! You should know that FiHunters can create business teams, team up to build cities and explore planets or become pirates in the Metaverse and grab GC tokens from other peaceful inhabitants of the MetaMind. So, sometimes you can play like a bad guy but remember that the space police officers will chase you aiming to punish you for the dishonest game.

Concluding, I’d like to say that the MetaMind Metaverse gives both lots of power and freedom to the gamers. You really can choose what you like and behave the way you want. Moreover, three gaming mechanics are three amazing strategies with fun and adventures. So, every FiHunter will enjoy playing and earning within the virtual universe of the MetaMind!




Written by GrabCoinClub

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